The Power of Dance! FREE MUSIC

Every week in our little town of Ojai, we hold an Ecstatic Dance that we call DevaDance. These Love Activations open the space for people to set themselves free through dance and movement. Everyone can dance. While many may say otherwise the truth is that if you can move, you can dance, if you can feel, you can dance. It is an innate part of our being and somewhere along the way some of us begin comparing ourselves with others, and rather than move our body to the beat, we end up no longer moving our feet.
In many indigenous culture, dance is an integral part of the lifestyle, and in many cases is not just a form of movement but a form of prayer and connecting to spirit. Even academia believes that dancing can have a positive affect on our being. Check out this quote from
“There is no doubt of the positive effect, in general, of physical activity on the brain, on cognitive functioning, and on age-related problems, notes David Kahn, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School whose research supports the development of a neuropsychology of dreaming. “But dancing adds another aspect to exercise and its effect on our bodies and brains,” he says, “because it is a joyous activity.”
We are designed to move and feel joy while moving! However, in today’s modern culture we are more sedentary than ever. These days many of us spend more time hunched over our computers tapping our finger tips, than out on the dancefloor tapping our toes. Dance is unique, because it allows us to truly connect deeper to the truth of who we are. Whether the beat has you shaking and flailing your arms, spinning in circles, or doing some QiGong, there is no wrong way to dance!
You can dance as exercise, or just for fun, and if you allow yourself to feel the music and dance to the beat of the drum, or flow to the melody, we believe that you will feel amazing after the fact.
Need some inspiration? Then take a listen to Jami Deva’s, aka Devaliminal, Valentine’s Day DevaDance Mix that he orchestrated this past V-day in Ojai. You can download it for free or just stream it on soundcloud, but one thing we advise you don’t do is sit still while listening to it. It can be for 10 min or a couple of hours, just find a spot in the mix that really gets you moving and let your soul move through your body and see how you feel after.
Movement can be Meditation. Movement can be healing. Movement is part of us.
So get up and dance!
6 March 2015 deva Blog dance, devadance, health, joy, Love, meditation, move your feet, movement, well being